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Archive for the ‘we are the world remake’ Category

The video is out, finally! I never thought I’d be hearing a remake of We Are The World but this proved me wrong. I remember hearing it for the first time when I was in grade school. We even had a singing contest wherein our grade level sang different versions of it. I did the part of second voice, so after that, every time I hear the song and sang along with it, I do the second voice.
On the official site of We Are The World, World25.org, they explained how the remake became a reality:
The recording of ‘We Are The World 25 For Haiti’ embodies the same enthusiasm, sense of purpose and generosity as the original recording 25 years ago. Through the contributions of the new voices to this rendition of ‘We Are The World,’ and with the help of our partners, the We Are The World Foundation will be committed to transparency and will help further the spirit of activism that was at the heart of the original song and movement.
This 25th Anniversary recorded featured over 80 artists in the recording industry from Jason Mraz to Jennifer Hudson. It has been noted that no artist from the original recording was part of the remake except for the great late King of Pop, Michael Jackson. His original recording and video was featured as way of thanking him for spearheading this 25 years ago. The bridge wherein Michael then duets with Diana Ross was now with sister Janet Jackson. I had goosebumps hearing and seeing them together again. We Are The World will never be We Are The World without Michael in it. I’ve talked to several people and their views were same as mine. Here’s the complete list of the performers who contributed their talent for this project.
Since the project’s main purpose is to help Haiti, we can download the video by donating at least $10.00 using our Visa Card. World25.org states:
All monetary donations are processed through Google Checkout for a safe, easy, and secure method of donation. Our goal is to maximize the portion of every dollar that can go to make a difference in the lives of the people of Haiti. Google Checkout is waiving all processing fees on donations.
This a serious effort to help Haiti. We are blessed and sparing some for them will do wonders. It’s a collective effort and I know this will be a real success. Let us all extend our support by donating or just by spreading the word via Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and even YouTube.
Alternatively, can show oour support on your website or blog with an interactive We Are The World Widget widget:

I’ll end this post with Haiti and Michael Jackson in my mind. “We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving…..”

  • None
  • Jay-L: congrats!
  • FEDORAN: Hi Readers, I am pleased to inform you all that this blog post won me two GC's for Ace Water Spa. I already got the GC's, thanks Rowena!!!! I
  • Anonymous: Callalily = FailVIP mixed up = FailGood thing Paramore rocks!At least for an hour I forgot I was robbed 6k. Oh well. :(
