Fedoranblogger's Blog

Archive for the ‘Toblerone’ Category

“What the world needs now, is love sweet love” – Jackie DeShannon

When was the last day you said Thank You? In this techno world, we are slowly shifting from the traditional gratitude. We are slowly taking for granted the smallest deed of thanking someone for the things or actions they have done. If we trn on that tv, all we see are crimes and abuse, not all but a huge percentage of the news tackles these negative aspects of our society.
In 2006, Reader’s Digest conducted The Great Reader’s Digest Global Courtesy Test that aimed to determine which city will emerge as the most polite and which as the least. Among the 35 countries tested Manila ranked #22 landing it in the Least Courteous list. The same survey results inspired Swiss chocolate Toblerone to revive the lost art of saying ‘Thank You’ among Filipinos through the first National Thank You Day in October 20, 2007.

This year, Toblerone hosted the third National Thank You Day at SM MOA Music Hall. On that same night, we, the Filipinos, honored outstanding individuals who made a difference not just in our lives but to our country as well. We expressed and showed gratitude to our Former President Corazon C.Aquino, for her magnanimous achievement and overpowering love to our country.
We need to heal our wounded souls and we need to start within ourselves. It doesn’t hurt to show some appreciation and it doesn’t hurt to vocalize them. We want our children to to grow up as good persons. We can teach them to say Thank You too. There’s no harm in overdoing it, as long as it is needed. Imparting this great value will mean a lot of difference. Our world needs sweet love and we can begin by appreciating what we have while we can.
Now I’ll say big thank you to my family for their unconditional love. Thank you too, to my friends for always believing in me. And thank you to my work mates for all the support.
We should make every day a Thank You day.
Special Thanks to Geiser Maclang for the invite. Thanks Toblerone for making our lives sweeter. For more information, visit http://thankyoudayphilippines.com.

  • None
  • Jay-L: congrats!
  • FEDORAN: Hi Readers, I am pleased to inform you all that this blog post won me two GC's for Ace Water Spa. I already got the GC's, thanks Rowena!!!! I
  • Anonymous: Callalily = FailVIP mixed up = FailGood thing Paramore rocks!At least for an hour I forgot I was robbed 6k. Oh well. :(
