Fedoranblogger's Blog

Archive for the ‘moon bigger’ Category

Last night at about 7 PM my attention was caught by this beautiful sight. The moon tonight is unusually bigger than it’s size. It was so round and yellowish in color and I just can’t take my eyes off it. At first I thought it was scary as last weekend we were all caught off guard by the Chile earthquake and tsunami that followed after. Scenes flashed in my mind that I even thought our world must really be in danger. The sight was unbelievable that it made me really wonder why the moon was really bigger. I did a little googling and found that I’ve just experienced the Moon Illusion.

What makes the moon so low? It’s summer. Remember, the sun and the full Moon are on opposite sides of the sky. During summer the sun is high, which means the full moon must be low. NASA

There’s a bunch of facts over the web but NASA‘s explanation convinced me that it was indeed an illusion. Here’s more that I want to share:

Screen Cap from NASA

I don’t know why but there’s really something about the moon that excites me. Not just because of my adoration to Michael Jackson; Moonwalker and he has a crater under his name.

Image from Lunar Geographic Society

Mr. Jackson (1958-2009) was among the largest private owners of Lunar property claims. In addition to his significant parcel in the Lake Of Dreams, which he obtained in 2005, he also owned a smaller property in the Sea Of Vapours (Mare Vaporum).
The crater shall be officially designated as “Michael Joseph Jackson” in order to differentiate it from the existing “Jackson,” a 71-kilometer crater on the Lunar farside named for the renowned Scottish astronomer John Jackson (1887-1958).
Michael Jackson used the Moon and its symbology often in his life, from his trademark “moonwalk” dance move to the official seal of his beloved Neverland Ranch. “Moonwalk” was also the title of his best-selling 1988 autobiography, while “Moonwalker” was the title of a popular compilation of his greatest music video performances. He also recorded a song, “Scared Of The Moon,” which has not been released commercially as of this date. Lunar Geographic Society

I suggest that you look up the sky between 6:30 PM and 7:30 PM when the moon is on the horizon to see not just how beautiful it is but to see our moon much bigger than the usual. And oh, tonight, March 3, 2010, is the perfect time to gaze as it’s full moon based on the lunar calendar.

***Note: Photo to follow***

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  • Jay-L: congrats!
  • FEDORAN: Hi Readers, I am pleased to inform you all that this blog post won me two GC's for Ace Water Spa. I already got the GC's, thanks Rowena!!!! I
  • Anonymous: Callalily = FailVIP mixed up = FailGood thing Paramore rocks!At least for an hour I forgot I was robbed 6k. Oh well. :(
