Fedoranblogger's Blog

Archive for the ‘held up. philippines’ Category

They say when lady luck frowns at you, better be ready. Yesterday I had my share of unfortunate events, and I say it was a series of unfortunate events. I was surprised though that it was not just me who had a bad bad Monday. And here’s how my story goes:
Early in the morning while I was charging my iPod, a pop up window appeared instructing me to download an iTunes update. I hit ok and went through my browsing. After an hour, I realized I was running late for work, so I’ve pressed the eject button on iTunes. I checked my iPod and noticed that the “Synchronizing” message is not moving. I’ve waited for minute then 5 more minutes before realizing that my iPod froze. I sent messages to friends seeking help on how to restart it, they all replied and I did what I was told but it didn’t work. So, off I go to work.
At the office, I heard that our MS Excel version was downgraded from 2007 to 2003. I was furious at first since I’ve got no use for the older version and that my files are working completely fine with 2007. Anyways, I went on to login to my MS Outlook until I got a message that I got locked out. I haven’t changed my password nor have forgotten it. I know my passwords by heart and just find it amusing that it’s not taking it. I gave up after a few tries and decided to check on my office system and login too. But then, I got locked out too! I was beginning to be frustrated for these reasons.
I decided to call it quits with my MS Outlook and office tool and thought that I needed to get a break and grab some lunch. I checked my wallet and found a few pesos in it. I cursed realizing that I had left my money and atm card at my back pack home. My workmates offered to lend me some for me to get by the day instead of going home battling the heat to get some cash. I was so timid accepting the offer since I wouldn’t really dare going out the heat.
Nothing much happened after that. I was able to breeze through my tasks at hand. For some reasons after restarting my computer, my passwords were accepted. Weird huh but am thankful. For my iPod, i took it at the Power Mac store to have it checked. I guess am still lucky when I was told I just need to jump start it to work again. What they did was pressed the Menu and Play buttons at the same time until the Apple logo appeared. And presto, my iPod is back to functioning, it’s just that it’s almost drained since it was frozen for several hours. Good thing my friend had her charger so I kindly asked her to charge it for me.
Work is over and it was time to head home. I boarded the jeepney but on my way to the terminal, I was thinking of getting a cab instead since it was humid and heat was unbearable. But thinking, am not rushing anyway so I better take the jeep instead. On my ride home, I got so nervous when three guys boarded the jeepney, one sat beside the driver and the other two were on the rear side. On my fear of being into an uncomfortable situation, I hurriedly went down the jeep on the next stop. For my readers outside the Philippines, that scenario was actually part of the held up process. Wherein the man sitting beside the driver will either point a gun or knife at him while the two other guys at the rear end will do their thing and ransack the passengers belongings. I was lucky to get a nice cab and was able to get home safe.
The day has ended and I hope that my cursed Monday’s over. I couldn’t take round two of the series of unfortunate events. Just a reminder to everyone, be safe and always remember to pray, it wouldn’t hurt remembering to do so. 🙂

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Philippines License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://theblackfedorablog.blogspot.com.

  • None
  • Jay-L: congrats!
  • FEDORAN: Hi Readers, I am pleased to inform you all that this blog post won me two GC's for Ace Water Spa. I already got the GC's, thanks Rowena!!!! I
  • Anonymous: Callalily = FailVIP mixed up = FailGood thing Paramore rocks!At least for an hour I forgot I was robbed 6k. Oh well. :(
