Fedoranblogger's Blog

Archive for the ‘formula 1’ Category

While passing by Level 4 Greenbelt 5, My friend and I saw this amazing display of LEGO Formula 1:

It’s so impressive! That race car comprises 85% lego bricks and I was told that it was built overnight just in time for the display.
Thank you to Cerbojam for the photos.

  • None
  • Jay-L: congrats!
  • FEDORAN: Hi Readers, I am pleased to inform you all that this blog post won me two GC's for Ace Water Spa. I already got the GC's, thanks Rowena!!!! I
  • Anonymous: Callalily = FailVIP mixed up = FailGood thing Paramore rocks!At least for an hour I forgot I was robbed 6k. Oh well. :(
