Fedoranblogger's Blog

Archive for the ‘animetric’ Category

When friends ask me how was my day, I usually reply, “I’m tired and beautiful”. Then they all burst into laughter and our conversation begins. Even people around us smile when they heard my answer. Being the one with the bubbly personality, everyone in my circle love it.
Juggling between jobs is really hard, especially for single parents such as I am. But I always manage to keep the balance in my life. I go out at times, watch a decent movie, binge on carbs, have my favorite frappuccino blend, or scout for dress/shoes. But going to spas is on the top of my list. There’s one spa that I frequently visit and I love it there. I have tried others but my tired feet always take me to them. I dunno why, perhaps the service, the comfort or the blissful feeling after a soothing body massage. There is just this thing about spas that I can’t resist.
While reading through Plurk this morning, I came across Animetric‘s anniversary contest. She is giving away things that she dearly love. I went gaga over her list but I chose to win the Ace Water Spa GCs. I could have chosen the Starbucks green tumbler but I have the 2009 US edition which by the way I too love. And the pair of VNC shoes, but I think the size won’t fit mine. Anyways, I like to get the spa gift certificate instead since I love spas. I haven’t tried Ace Water Spa and I would love to be there and experience what they’re offering, specifically their hydrotherapy massage. The spa was featured I think on one of the morning tv shows and I was intrigued on this type of massage. They say it is very relaxing compared to the usual massage others offer. With that alone, I wanna win the GCs.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that I win. Of course, I will take my daughter with me so we can have our bonding moments. Just now, she is excited and kept on whispering to my ear, “Mom, I am beautiful”.

  • None
  • Jay-L: congrats!
  • FEDORAN: Hi Readers, I am pleased to inform you all that this blog post won me two GC's for Ace Water Spa. I already got the GC's, thanks Rowena!!!! I
  • Anonymous: Callalily = FailVIP mixed up = FailGood thing Paramore rocks!At least for an hour I forgot I was robbed 6k. Oh well. :(
